March 28, 2025
There may finally be justice for Fido!
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There may finally be justice for Fido!

A new bill being kicked around the California State Assembly would bar landlords from forbidding pets in rental homes and apartments.  AB  AB 2216, introduced by Assembly Member Matt Haney of San Francisco earlier this month intends to “enact legislation related to a landlord’s ability to prohibit common household pets in residential tenancies.”

If passed, property owners would not be permitted to as about pets on rental applications or charge additional fees sometimes known as “pet deposits.”

The first of its kind legislation comes at a time when experts believe animal shelters are overcrowded as a result of a severe housing crisis. 

“A two-tiered system that punishes people for having pets, or treats them differently, or has a greater burden on them just for that fact should not be allowed in the law.” Haney says.

Details of the bill will be worked out in the coming weeks.

Research by Haney and his staff reveal that only 26% of available rentals in the Los Angeles area permit cats and dogs.

Read More: Los Angeles Times
Photo: Ken Billington / Wikimedia Creative Commons 


Sean Daly

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