Community members are invited to attend and comment at public meetings of the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD).
Meetings are held in person but may be attended virtually via Zoom.
Meetings take place in the following locations:
Santa Monica
SMMUSD District Administrative Offices
1717 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401
Malibu City Council Chambers
23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA 90265
Closed Session begins at 4:30 p.m.
Public Meetings begin at 5:30 p.m.
Meeting Format Structures:
Meeting “A”
- Closed Session
- Commendations/Recognitions
- Public Comments for Items on the Agenda
- Study Session
- Communications
- Superintendent’s Report
- Consent Items
- Major Action Items
- Discussion Items
- Information Items
- General Public Comments (items not on the agenda)
Meeting “B”
- Closed Session
- Commendations/Recognitions
- Public Comments for Items on the Agenda
- Superintendent’s Report
- Consent Items
- Study Session
- Discussion Items
- Major Items
- Information Items
- General Public Comments (items not on the agenda)
Hybrid of “A” and “B”
- Closed Session
- Commendations/Recognitions
- Study Session
- Communications
- Executive Staff Reports
- Consent Calendar
- General Public Comments (max. 30 minutes)
- Discussion Items
- Major Items
- Continuation of General Public Comments (if needed)
Instructions for public comments at board meetings:
Public comments on closed session items will be heard prior to closed session. All remaining public comment on agenda items, except public hearings, will be heard after the Board returns from closed session (public comment for public hearings will be heard when the items are called).
Public comment on non-agenda items will be heard at the end of the Board meeting. Persons wishing to address the Board of Education on an agenda item must fill out a Request to Speak Card (in-person comment)or Google Form (comment via Zoom).
Speakers must fill out one form per agenda item. A person may address the Board under “Public Comments for Items Listed on the Agenda” and/or “Public Comments for Items Not Listed on the Agenda” (this second option is for general public comments on topics that are within the Board’s jurisdiction, but do not appear on the agenda). A person must indicate on the public comment card/form whether they wish to speak for one, two, or three minutes on that item. Based on the number of people who sign up to speak on a specific item, the Board may decide to reduce the maximum number of minutes each person is allowed to speak on that item.
A person who submits the public comment card/form after the public comment period has already started will be given a maximum of one minute per agenda item they list. If persons in the boardroom and on Zoom sign up to speak on the same item, the Board will prioritize in-person comments. Please note that each person will be given a total of six minutes to speak for the entire meeting, including on items listed on agenda and general public comments. Once the public comment section is over, the Board will no longer accept requests from the public to speak on agenda or non-agenda items.
When giving public comment, members of the public are asked to follow the SMMUSD Civility Policy, the details of which can be found in a grid at the top of each board meeting agenda.