March 25, 2025
The Gaslite on Wilshire Boulevard is one bar in Santa Monica that will be required to comply with the new law.
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A new law requiring bars and nightclubs to provide or sell drug testing kits will take effect on July 1.

The legislation is aimed identifying “date rape” drugs.

Approximately 2200 establishments statewide with Type 48 licenses issued by the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control must comply.

Assembly Bill 1013, which was takes effect on July 1, was introduced by Assembly member Joshua Lowenthal, a Democrat who represents Signal Hill, Carson and parts of Long Beach.

The new legislation requires licensees to post a related notice containing specified language in a prominent and conspicuous location. It prohibits a Type 48 licensee from being held liable for a defective test or inaccurate test result. It would also specify that a violation of its provisions is not a crime.

Per the ABC:

Type 48 licenses are issued to bars and night clubs. The license authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on the premises where sold. Minors are not allowed on the premises, and food service is not required.

Licensees will be responsible for procuring testing kits. ABC does not sell or provide kits, and does not recommend or endorse any specific company that does.

The Gaslite on Wilshire Boulevard is one of the type 48 licensees in Santa Monica who will be required to comply with the mandate.

License holders who do not comply with the new law could face administrative actions impacting their licenses.

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Sean Daly

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