March 27, 2025
Pfizer vaccine shot

Photo: Pfizer/WikiMedia Commons

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Tuesday, December 21
John Adams Middle School

10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Wednesday, December 22
McKinley Elementary School  

10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Wednesday, December 22
Malibu High School 

10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Tuesday, January 4
John Adams Middle School  
2:30 p.m – dusk

Wednesday, January 5
McKinley Elementary School  
2:30 p.m – dusk

Thursday, January 6
Malibu High School 
2:30 p.m – dusk

Appointments must be scheduled in advance using the MyTurn website.  Students ages 5 – 17 will only be eligible for the Pfizer vaccine.  Insurance information will be collected at the time of registration.  Minors require a consent form signed by a legal guardian.

“We continue to encourage vaccinations for everyone age five and up,” SMMUSD Superintendent Dr. Ben Drati said in a message to the community.  “Our staff is now fully vaccinated. Student vaccinations in secondary schools have reduced the number of students out on quarantine due to exposure. We are looking forward to our elementary students having the opportunity to continue to be in school, when an occasional positive case arises, instead of being sent home to quarantine as a result of LACDPH protocols even with no symptoms.”

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Sean Daly

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