March 28, 2025
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Santa Monica Police are turning to the public to find two suspects who allegedly shot a man in the face while trying to steal his car.

The horrific altercation took place back on September 22 near the intersection of Ocean Avenue and Pacific Street.

SMPD arrived at 3:00 a.m. to investigate reports of a shooting.

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The unidentified victim told them that he had been sleeping in his vehicle when he was approached by the two male suspects who demanded he turn over his keys.

When the victim refused, he was shot in the face.

“Both suspects fled southbound Neilson Way through Ocean Park Blvd.,” according to a statement issued Thursday by SMPD Lt. Rudy Flores.

The getaway vehicle is believed to be an older model SUV, possibly a Toyota Sequoia, Toyota 4Runner or Chevy Tahoe.

Anyone with this information is strongly encouraged to contact Detective Nicole Murphy at (310) 458-8941 or , Sergeant Art Williams at (310) 458-8475 or the Watch Commander (24 hours) at (310) 458-8426.

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Sean Daly

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